How to Place a Maryland Court eFiling

Rapid Legal offers eFiling in Baltimore City and all 23 Maryland court counties. Log in to the Rapid Legal portal by entering your email, password and clicking on the “Login” button. Please note: We recommend using any modern browser


Once in the portal, complete the following steps: 


1. Select Place an Order


2. Select eFiling in the What would you like us to do? drop-down menu.


3. Select Maryland under the Select State drop-down menu and choose your county in the Select County drop-down menu. Then, choose Subsequent Filing or Case Initiation in the Select Filing Type row. Choose the applicable jurisdiction from the Select Jurisdiction drop-down menu. Then, select Next.



4. On the Case Info tab, enter the Case Title. Use the drop-down menus to select the Case Category and Case Type for your case. Then, select Next


5a. On the Case Participants tab, add parties to your eFiling by selecting Add Party and Add Attorney. If you’re representing yourself in the case, check the box beside Is Self-Represented and enter your information. Then, select Save


5b. If you’re an attorney, follow step #5a to add your client as a party first. Then, select Add Attorney to enter your name and bar ID. Then, select Search to validate your information in the state’s database.  


You’ll receive a prompt to enter the rest of your contact information if you’re not already in the state’s database. Then, select Save


6. All cases must have a Lead Client. Check the box next to the Lead Client. Then, enter the applicable Billing Code in the pop-up module and select Save. Then, select Next.


7. Attach your supporting documents to the eFiling. You may search by Document Type or select Pick from list to view available documents. Choose the appropriate Document Type and Title from the drop-down menus. Then, choose Select.



8. Mark the document as a Public, Confidential, or for Judges/Courthouse Personnel Only using the Select Security Level drop-down menu. Then, select Upload from Computer to add your document.


9. After your document has been successfully uploaded, use the drop-down menus to select the parties to whom the document applies (i.e., Filed on Behalf Of, Filed by Representation, Refers To). Check the Lead Document box to mark your first uploaded file as the Lead Document. If you have additional documents to upload, repeat steps 8 and 9. Once you’ve uploaded all your case documents, select Next.


10. A summary will be generated to provide you with the Total Estimated Court Fees based on the type of documents you selected. Select the Yes bubble to authorize the EFSP to pay the court fees or select Submit as Fee Waiver if applicable. Then, select Next.


11. If you want to keep parties updated about this case via eService, you can do so in the Serve Info tab. Select Add Service Contact, and enter their name, firm (if applicable), and email address. Then, select Search. 


Note #1: This step is optional. This tab’s data will auto-populate for subsequent eFilings. 

Note #2: The Serve Info tab is not the same as Service of Process. The Serve Info tab is to provide parties with electronic updates related to the case. 


11a. If the Contact does not appear in the Firm List or Public List searches, you can manually add them as a Service Contact. To manually add a Service Contact, click the downward pointing arrow that’s next to your account initials in the top right corner on the screen. Then, select My Profile


11b. Select the eFile tab. Then, choose Maryland from the eFile Tyler State drop-down menu. Select Add Service Contact to add the party’s information.


11c. Enter the party’s contact information in the Add New eService Contact pop-up module. Check the box by Is Public if you want the contact’s details added to Maryland’s Public List. Then, select Save.



11d. Return to your eFiling order’s Serve Info tab and select Add Service Contact. Your newly added contact should appear in your Firm List or Public List. Use the Service Contacts drop-down menu to choose the correct contact. Choose the applicable party from the Associated Party drop-down menu. Then, select Add.


11e. Once you have added all contacts to send eService notices related to the case’s updates, select Next.


12. Review your order details. You may provide special instructions to the court clerk in the Message to Court Clerk box. Select the person you want to notify about this order in Notifications. Then, select Submit to complete your order.


13. Once the Thank you for your order(s) screen appears, you have successfully submitted your Maryland court eFiling order.



Frequently Asked Questions 

1. What eFiling types are supported?
    Both case initiation and subsequent eFilings are available. 


2. What case categories/types are available?

    Maryland eFilings will support the following categories (varies by county): 

  • Appellate 
  • Civil 
  • Domestic 
    • Family 
    • Probate 
    • Mental Health 


3. Which courts are supported?

    eFiling is available in all Baltimore and all Maryland county courts. 


4. Will Expert Review be available by Rapid Legal?

    No, Expert Review is currently only available for California courts. 


5. Can I eFile and serve in Maryland?

    No. Using the Rapid Legal portal, customers cannot submit eFile and serve in the

    same order in Maryland. However, a service of process order can be placed separately.

